Fully Funded Scholarships

Which scholarship is fully funded for international student in USA 2023?

The Gates Scholarship is a full scholarship program for international students studying in the United States in 2023. The scholarship, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, covers all educational and living expenses for the duration of the student’s degree program. This scholarship awards up to 300 exceptional students from around the world who demonstrate financial need and academic excellence. The selection process is rigorous and based on criteria such as academic achievement, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, community engagement, and potential for making an impact in their chosen field. In addition to funding tuition and living expenses, recipients of the Gates Scholarship also receive mentoring support from faculty members at their universities and other professionals in their fields. This allows them to further develop their knowledge, skills, and experience so that they can become leaders in their chosen profession after graduation. Furthermore, this scholarship allows international students to gain valuable insight into American culture while attending classes here in the United States. By experiencing firsthand the cultural differences between America and their home countries they are able to better understand both cultures in order to foster greater intercultural dialogue. The Gates Scholarship provides an amazing opportunity for international students to pursue higher education without having to worry about financial stress or sacrificing educational quality.

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  1. I’ve been trying my best to find full scholarships due to limited scholarship offers in my country and there are not that much universities I know of with that same opportunity I have found here. To persue my career in Tourism management, I would go to an extend to find a place to call home and to study.
    Thank you.

  2. Really Inspired and revived with hope that One day God Will Fulfill his promise and I will be and International Student irrespective of my family’s financial situation I am gonna make it to the US

  3. Hi dear ,
    I want learn abroad become knowledgeable person. I my opinion I recommend to yours to help me to get the educational learning opportunity or chance .
    Before civil war I am learning 2nd year at mekelle institute technology .
    country Ethiopia
    region Tigray
    Welcome !

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