Fully Funded Scholarships

Fully Funded International Scholarships to Help You Study in Asia by 2024

Fully Funded International Scholarships to Help You Study in Asia

Are you considering studying in Asia but feeling unsure about how to handle the money side of things? Don’t fret any longer! We’ve got an exciting list of international scholarships available for studying in Asia in 2023/24. So, don’t waste any time – check out the options and apply as soon as you can!

Table of Contents.

  • What you need to know about Asia
  • More about the international scholarships to study in Asia 2023
    • Level/field of study
    • Host Nationality

What you need to know about Asia

City With Skyscrapers in Asia

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Asia is the biggest and most populated continent on Earth, found mainly in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. It shares land with Europe and Africa, making it part of a larger landmass called Afro-Eurasia.

One of the main reasons behind Asia’s impressive economic growth and recovery is the excellent quality of education. Education in Asia aims to empower individuals to contribute to their societies and equips students with the skills and mindset needed to compete successfully in a highly competitive job market.

Asian students and schools consistently rank highly in global education assessments. The cost of living in Asia is generally lower compared to Europe or the United States. Even on a student budget, you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Given these facts, more and more students are becoming interested in studying in Asian countries to pursue their higher education.

More about the international scholarships to study in Asia 2024

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International scholarships provide financial assistance for students to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies in any field they choose at their preferred Asian university.

These scholarships are open to students from all over the world who want to study in Asian countries. So, if you’re an international student interested in studying in Asia, some fantastic scholarships are available for you.

In addition to scholarships in Asia, if you’re considering studying in the UK, great scholarship opportunities are also waiting for you there.

Here’s a selection of some of the most exciting Asian scholarships and funding options. These scholarships cover various countries like China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. Additionally, there are other notable funds that span the entire region.

With these scholarships and funding opportunities, you can pursue your dreams of studying in Asia and receive financial support to make it possible. Don’t miss out on these fantastic opportunities!

Study in Hong Kong with These Scholarships

New Territories, Hong Kong

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The HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for both local and international students to study in Hong Kong. These scholarships are available at selected institutions and aim to financially support students. One such scholarship is the Belt and Road Scholarship, which is specifically for exceptional students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The scholarship program is gradually being expanded to include students from other countries as well. It’s like a pathway connecting different regions and countries.

Another great scholarship opportunity is the Hong Kong Ph.D. Scholarship Scheme (HKPFS). This program offers scholarships for international students wishing to pursue a Ph.D. at a selected university in Hong Kong. It’s an excellent opportunity for students passionate about research and who want to further their academic careers.

These scholarships provide financial support and open doors to quality education in Hong Kong. Whether you’re interested in undergraduate studies or pursuing a Ph.D., these scholarships can make your dreams of studying in Hong Kong a reality.

Universities in Hong Kong That Offer International Scholarships

Here are some of the top universities in Hong Kong that offer excellent educational opportunities:

  1. City University of Hong Kong: This university provides a wide range of academic programs in various fields of study. Students can explore diverse subjects and pursue their interests.
  2. Hong Kong Baptist University: Known for its strong focus on the arts, humanities, and social sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University offers a vibrant learning environment. Students can engage in creative and critical thinking.
  3. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST): With a reputation for innovation and research, HKUST offers programs in science, technology, engineering, business, and more. Students can gain practical skills and knowledge.
  4. Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK): CUHK is a prestigious institution offering a wide array of academic disciplines. It emphasizes interdisciplinary learning and encourages students to think critically.
  5. Hong Kong University (HKU): As one of the oldest and most esteemed universities in Hong Kong, HKU provides a comprehensive education across various fields. Students can benefit from a rich academic heritage.

These universities in Hong Kong are renowned for their academic excellence, diverse course offerings, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Students can choose the university that aligns with their interests and embark on a rewarding educational journey.

Scholarships to Study in China

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  • CAS-TWAS President Ph.D. Scholarship Program: This program provides scholarships for international students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. degree in China. It offers financial support to cover the expenses of their doctoral studies.
  • China Scholarships-Great Wall Program: This program offers scholarships for students from developing countries who want to study in China for one year. It’s open to students at any degree level and provides support for various fields of study.
  • Chinese Government Scholarships: These scholarships are offered by the Chinese government and are available to European Union (EU) students. They provide financial assistance for students at all levels who want to study in China.
  • Tsinghua University: Tsinghua University, located in Beijing, offers various scholarships for students who wish to study at their institution. These scholarships provide opportunities for academic and personal growth.
  • USTC Scholarship Program: The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) provides scholarships for international students who are seeking a degree or participating in an exchange program. The scholarships cover tuition fees, housing, health insurance, and a monthly allowance.

These scholarship programs present incredible opportunities for international students to pursue their education in China. Whether it’s a Ph.D. program, one-year studies, or full-degree programs, these scholarships help alleviate financial burdens and provide a supportive environment for students to thrive.

Scholarships to Study in Japan

A street view in Japan

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  • ADB-Japan Scholarship Program: This program offers graduate scholarships to students from various Asia-Pacific countries who want to study in Japan. The scholarships are focused on development-related fields such as economics, management, science, and technology.
  • Aichi Scholarship Program for Asian Students in Japan: This program provides various scholarships for Asian students studying at the graduate level in government-approved manufacturing programs in the Aichi Prefecture of Japan. It offers opportunities for academic growth and cultural exchange.
  • Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for ASIA: These scholarships are specifically for Asian students currently working in economics and finance within a government agency. The program allows them to study in Japan in a related field. It is open to students from selected Asian countries.
  • Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships for International Research Students: The Japanese government offers scholarships for international students to pursue postgraduate research programs in Japan. These scholarships provide financial support and open doors for research opportunities.
  • JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: This program offers study abroad scholarships to Ph.D. holders who wish to conduct research in Japan. It provides an opportunity to collaborate with esteemed institutions in Japan.
  • Keio University’s “Design the Future” Award for International Students: Keio University offers full-tuition scholarships for international students to study in Japan in any field of study. This scholarship supports students in pursuing their academic goals.
  • KUT Ph.D. Engineering Scholarships for International Students: These scholarships are specifically for engineering students from selected countries who wish to pursue a Ph.D. at Kochi University of Technology (KUT) in Japan. It provides financial assistance and opportunities for advanced studies in engineering.
  • Master ABE Initiative: This scholarship is designed for African students who want to study in Japan. It supports them in pursuing a development-related master’s program at an accredited university.
  • MEXT Scholarship Program – Japan: The Japanese government provides scholarships for Canadians who wish to study in Japan. It offers financial support for various fields of study, including Japanese studies.
  • Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation: This foundation offers international scholarships for students in the fields of medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, physical education, or business administration who want to study in Japan.
  • The University of Tokyo Special Scholarship for International Students: The University of Tokyo offers over 100 study-abroad scholarships for international graduate students. These scholarships provide support for academic research at the prestigious University of Tokyo.

Universities in Tokyo That Offer International Scholarships

River Near a City in Tokyo

Here are some notable universities in Tokyo, Japan, that offer excellent educational opportunities:

  1. Aoyama Gakuin University: Aoyama Gakuin University is a renowned institution in Tokyo that provides a wide range of academic programs. Students can choose from various fields of study and explore their interests in a supportive environment.
  2. Ochanomizu University: Ochanomizu University is a prestigious women’s university in Tokyo. It offers diverse academic programs, empowering female students to excel in their chosen fields of study.
  3. Tokyo Metropolitan University: Tokyo Metropolitan University is a dynamic institution that offers a comprehensive range of academic disciplines. It focuses on practical education and research, providing students with real-world skills and knowledge.
  4. Tokyo University of Science: Tokyo University of Science is a leading institution known for its strong emphasis on science and technology. Students can delve into cutting-edge research and receive a solid foundation in scientific disciplines.
  5. Waseda University: Waseda University is one of Japan’s top universities, renowned for its academic excellence and vibrant campus life. It offers a wide array of programs across multiple disciplines, attracting students from around the world.

These universities in Tokyo provide exceptional educational environments, world-class faculty, and a wealth of opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. Students can choose the university that aligns with their interests and aspirations and embark on a transformative academic journey in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo.

Study in Singapore With These Scholarships

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Commonwealth Scholarships and Scholarships for UK Citizens: These scholarships are available for UK students wishing to pursue a Ph.D. in Singapore. They provide a great opportunity for UK citizens to study in Singapore and contribute to their chosen fields of research.

DST ASTAR Call for Singapore-India Joint Research Scholarships: These scholarships are specifically designed for Indian researchers in the fields of science and technology. Sponsored by the Indian government and AStar Singapore, these scholarships offer Indian researchers the chance to study in Singapore and engage in collaborative research projects.

Lee Kong Chian Postgraduate Scholarships: These scholarships are offered to research students at the prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS). They provide financial support to pursue postgraduate studies and contribute to the research community at NUS.

NTU University Engineering Scholarship: This scholarship is aimed at undergraduate students specializing in engineering. It provides financial assistance for students to study in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), one of the leading universities in Asia.

Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA): SINGA offers Ph.D. scholarships for students interested in pursuing studies in the fields of science and engineering at selected universities in Singapore. It provides a platform for students to engage in advanced research and contribute to scientific and technological advancements.

These scholarship opportunities in Singapore offer a gateway for international students to pursue their academic and research aspirations. Whether it’s Ph.D. programs, postgraduate studies, or undergraduate engineering programs, these scholarships provide financial support and valuable opportunities to study in Singapore’s world-class educational institutions.

Scholarships to Study in South Korea

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  • KFAS International Academic Exchange Scholarship (ISEF): This scholarship program provides 50 postgraduate scholarships for students from Asia who want to study in South Korea. These scholarships are offered at leading institutions in South Korea, giving students the opportunity to pursue advanced studies in their chosen fields.
  • Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP): The Korean Government Scholarship Program offers scholarships to international students at the Master and Ph.D. levels. This program is designed to attract talented students from around the world to study in South Korea and contribute to the country’s academic and research endeavors.
  • Chung-Ang University Tuition Waiver Scholarships: Chung-Ang University offers tuition waivers and residence fee reductions for international undergraduate students. This scholarship program aims to make education more accessible and affordable for international students studying at Chung-Ang University.
  • Seoul National University Exchange Program Scholarships: Seoul National University provides various scholarships for international exchange students. These scholarships support the exchange program and provide financial assistance to international students who choose to study at Seoul National University.
  • Seoul National University Silk Road Scholarship Program: This scholarship program is specifically for Indian students who wish to study abroad in South Korea at Seoul National University. It offers scholarships for postgraduate programs in humanities or social sciences, fostering academic and cultural exchange between India and South Korea.
  • Sogang Global Scholarship: Sogang University in Seoul offers the Sogang Global Scholarship for international students participating in the Sogang Exchange Program. This scholarship provides financial support to Asian students, enabling them to study at Sogang University and experience Seoul’s vibrant cultural and academic environment.

These scholarship opportunities in South Korea open doors for international students to pursue higher education and engage in academic and cultural exchanges. From postgraduate scholarships to tuition waivers and exchange program scholarships, these initiatives promote international collaboration and provide valuable support to students from various Asian countries.

Universities in Seoul That Offer International Scholarships

Here are some prominent universities in South Korea:

  1. Hanyang University: Hanyang University is a well-established institution known for its excellence in education and research. With diverse academic programs, students can explore various fields of study and gain valuable skills for their future careers.
  2. Kyung Hee University: Kyung Hee University is a prestigious university in South Korea, recognized for its commitment to holistic education and global engagement. It offers a wide array of academic disciplines, fostering intellectual growth and nurturing students’ potential.
  3. Sungkyunkwan University: Sungkyunkwan University is renowned for its rich history and a strong emphasis on tradition and innovation. It offers a broad range of academic programs and strives to cultivate global leaders through its education and research initiatives.

These universities provide a conducive learning environment, experienced faculty members, and state-of-the-art facilities. Students can choose from diverse programs to pursue their academic interests and gain valuable knowledge and skills. These institutions are dedicated to providing a well-rounded education and shaping the future leaders of South Korea and beyond.


Discover the educational wonders of Asia! Students can unlock incredible academic opportunities with top universities like the University of Tokyo, the National University of Singapore, and Tsinghua University. Scholarships such as the ADB-Japan Scholarship, Singapore International Graduate Award, and CAS-TWAS President Ph.D. Scholarships provide essential support. Immerse yourself in Asia’s rich cultures while pursuing your academic dreams. Explore the dynamic landscapes of Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and China, and embark on an extraordinary educational journey in Asia.

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