Fully Funded Scholarships

Full Scholarships for Kids Under 13: How to Find and Apply for Them

Many parents and students dream of getting a full scholarship to college, but they often think they have to wait until high school to start applying. However, many scholarships are available to younger students, even those under 13 years old. These scholarships can help you save money for college, showcase your talents and achievements, and boost your confidence and motivation. This article will explore some of the best full scholarships for kids under 13, how to find them, and how to apply for them.

What are Full Scholarships for Kids Under 13?

Full scholarships for kids under 13 are awards that cover the full cost of tuition and fees at a college or university of your choice. Some of them may also cover other expenses, such as books, room and board, travel, and equipment. Full scholarships are usually very competitive and prestigious, often requiring high academic excellence, leadership, creativity, or talent. Full scholarships for kids under 13 are rare, but they do exist. They are usually offered by private organizations, foundations, or individuals who want to support young students with exceptional potential.

Why Should You Apply for Full Scholarships for Kids Under 13?

Applying for full scholarships for kids under 13 can have many benefits, such as:

  • Saving money for college: College can be very expensive, and many families struggle to afford it. By winning a full scholarship, you can reduce or eliminate the need for student loans, grants, or other financial aid forms. This can help you avoid debt and stress, and allow you to focus on your studies and goals.
  • Gaining recognition and exposure: Winning a full scholarship can help you stand out and showcase your achievements and abilities. You can also gain exposure to new opportunities, mentors, networks, and resources to help you grow and succeed.
  • Enhancing your resume and college applications: Winning a full scholarship can demonstrate your academic excellence, leadership, creativity, or talent to potential colleges and employers. It can also show your initiative, dedication, and passion for learning and pursuing your dreams.
  • Having fun and learning new skills: Applying for full scholarships can be a fun and rewarding experience, as you can explore your interests, express your ideas, and challenge yourself. You can also learn new skills, such as research, writing, communication, and presentation, that can help you in your future endeavors.

How to Find Full Scholarships for Kids Under 13?

Finding full scholarships for kids under 13 can be challenging, but not impossible. Here are some tips and resources to help you in your search:

  • Start early and plan ahead: The earlier you start looking for scholarships, the more time you will have to prepare and apply. You should also plan and keep track of the deadlines, requirements, and application materials for each scholarship. You can use a calendar, a spreadsheet, or a planner to organize your scholarship search and application process.
  • Do your research: Many sources of information and databases can help you find scholarships that match your profile and interests. Some of the best ones are:
    • Finaid.org: This website provides a comprehensive list of scholarships for students under age 13, as well as other resources and tips for finding and applying for scholarships.
    • Savingforcollege.com: This website offers a list of scholarships for younger children, mostly involving art, science, and writing contests.
    • TheStreet.com: This website features 11 scholarships for kids under 13, ranging from academic to artistic to humanitarian awards.
    • Unigo.com: This website has a directory of teen scholarships, some of which are also open to younger students. You can also create a profile and get matched with scholarships that suit your preferences and goals.
  • Ask for guidance and support: You don’t have to search and apply for scholarships alone. You can ask for guidance and support from your parents, teachers, counselors, mentors, or friends. They can help you find scholarships, review your application materials, give you feedback, and cheer you on.
  • Be flexible and open-minded: Don’t limit yourself to one type of scholarship or one field of interest. Be flexible and open-minded, and explore different opportunities and possibilities. You may discover new passions, talents, or career paths along the way.

How to Apply for Full Scholarships for Kids Under 13?

Applying for full scholarships for kids under 13 can be a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding one. Here are some tips and strategies to help you craft a winning application:

  • Follow the instructions and meet the criteria: Each scholarship has its own instructions and criteria, and you should follow them carefully and precisely. Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements, such as age, grade, citizenship, or residency. Also, make sure you submit all the required application materials, such as transcripts, test scores, essays, letters of recommendation, or portfolios, by the deadline.
  • Showcase your strengths and personality: Your application should highlight your strengths and personality, and show why you deserve the scholarship. You should emphasize your achievements, skills, goals, and passions, and how they relate to the scholarship’s mission and vision. You should also showcase your creativity, originality, and voice, and avoid clichés, plagiarism, or exaggeration.
  • Proofread and polish your application: Your application should be clear, concise, and error-free. You should proofread and polish your application before submitting it, and check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, or formatting mistakes. You can also ask someone else to review your application and give you constructive feedback.
  • Be confident and positive: Applying for scholarships can be stressful and nerve-wracking, but you should be confident and positive. You should believe in yourself and your potential, and avoid self-doubt or negativity. You should also celebrate your efforts and achievements, and be proud of yourself for taking this step.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions that people may have about full scholarships for kids under 13:

  • Q: How many full scholarships for kids under 13 are there?
  • A: There is no definitive answer to this question, as different scholarships have different definitions and criteria for what constitutes a full scholarship. However, based on our research, we estimate that there are around 50 to 100 full scholarships for kids under 13 in the US, and more worldwide.
  • Q: How competitive are full scholarships for kids under 13?
  • A: Full scholarships for kids under 13 are very competitive, as they attract many applicants who have exceptional academic, artistic, or athletic abilities. The acceptance rates for these scholarships vary, but they are usually very low, ranging from 1% to 10%.
  • Q: What are the benefits and drawbacks of applying for full scholarships for kids under 13?
  • A: The benefits of applying for full scholarships for kids under 13 are that you can save money for college, gain recognition and exposure, enhance your resume and college applications, have fun and learn new skills, and pursue your dreams. The drawbacks of applying for full scholarships for kids under 13 are that you may face a lot of pressure, stress, and disappointment, and that you may miss out on other opportunities or experiences that are more suitable for your age and stage of development.
  • Q: How can I increase my chances of winning a full scholarship for kids under 13?
  • A: There is no guarantee that you will win a full scholarship for kids under 13, but you can increase your chances by following these tips:
    • Start early and plan ahead
    • Do your research
    • Ask for guidance and support
    • Be flexible and open-minded
    • Follow the instructions and meet the criteria
    • Showcase your strengths and personality
    • Proofread and polish your application
    • Be confident and positive


Full scholarships for kids under 13 are rare, but they do exist. They are a great way to save money for college, showcase your talents and achievements, and pursue your dreams. However, they are also very competitive and challenging, requiring a lot of preparation and dedication. Suppose you are interested in applying for full scholarships for kids under 13. In that case, you should start early, do your research, ask for guidance and support, be flexible and open-minded, follow the instructions and meet the criteria, showcase your strengths and personality, proofread and polish your application, and be confident and positive. We hope this article has helped you learn more about full scholarships for kids under 13, and we wish you good luck in your scholarship search and application process.

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